































History - Family Events

Cheque book butt showing the
property purchase of Rock Dhu
in 1928 by HGE Norvill

Receipt for the purchase
of Rock Dhu

Bible acquired Middle East
“Jerusalem” (?) during
World War II L.J.N.

A small piece of tree from the
“Garden of Gesthemine” was
placed between the pages.
But the bible was loaned
(1960’s) to Murrurundi Public
School of a temporary nature
(you would think they would
have had one of their own!)
and when it was returned
the twig was missing.

Old Maternity Hospital,
Boyd Street, Murrurundi, where
Peter was born on 6th August 1950 -
same day HGE passed away.

Grandfather clock
(Angus & Coote, made in Germany),
bought by Lionel Norvill in 1939 for
his mother upon his departure
for war service

Paradise, Murrurundi – residence
of HGE Norvill and family about
1935. Builder T Rixon

Cost of fencing around
St Pauls Church, Murrurundi,
provided by HGE Norvill.
This is all that remains in 2013.


Lionel Norvill wages cheque
butt, 1928. Note: Deduction
would likely be for "keep"

Wall drape, brought home
by Lionel Norvill from the
Middle East following WWII

Lionel Norvill's Certificate of
Discharge from the Australian
Army on 2nd March 1945